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School Games GOLD LEVEL Mark Award 2023/24

We are delighted to announce that Heath Park School, have achieved the School Games GOLD LEVEL Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a government-led award scheme in the UK, launched to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Heath Park are delighted to have been recognised and awarded this prestigious mark for keeping young people engaged and active.



Some of our physical activity and school sport achievements this year include: 

  • #LetGirlsPlay with 444 girls involved on the day.
  • Entered and helped run Unified events such as football, black country school partnership games and cricket. 
  • All Y8 students trained as sports leaders within the curriculum. 
  • Our sports leaders helped run KS2 Play Leaders, Primary School Indoor Athletics, KS2 Primary Pentathlon and Unified events. 
  • A government led ‘Your Time Girls Leadership Programme’. 
  • BBL Basketball Finals Trip.
  • Wimbledon Rewards Trip.
  • KS5 female ‘play on the pitch’ day at Molineux Stadium.
  • Participated in the WolvOlympics Games Torch Relay.
  • Competed in a range of competitive and non-competitive events (A, B and C teams). 
  • Jnr NBA league, Worcester Midland 3×3 tournaments @ Worcester Arena.
  • Offered a wide range of extra-curricular provision before school, lunch or afterschool including football, goal keeping club, basketball, girl’s fitness, boy’s fitness, netball, dodgeball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, cricket, rounders, athletics, tennis, and gymnastics. 
  • Intra-school form competitions throughout the academic year. 
  • Celebrated National Sports Week – Tug of War and Kabaddi. 
  • Qualified and represented Wolverhampton in the Black Country School Games. 
  • Developed a Central 6th Football Academy.