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Heath Park School PE Kit

Core PE Kit

Only Heath Park PE kit will be acceptable when taking part in practical lessons, this is found in our kit policy below. The minimum expectation is for students to wear polo, shorts/trousers, socks and suitable footwear. We strongly advise additional items such as the midlayer or raincoat for poor weather conditions. This applies to all core PE lessons (All Y7-11 students).

KS4 BTEC Sport Lessons (Y9-11)

Students who have selected to study L2 BTEC Sport will be allowed to attend Heath Park in their FULL BTEC SPORT KIT (including tracksuit jacket, tracksuit bottoms/shorts, t-shirt and socks) ONLY on the days they have BTEC Sport lessons.
  • Monday: Y11B Groups (ML/HV/JS) & Y10B Groups (JS/CS)
  • Tuesday: Y11A Groups (ML/AM/JS) &Y9C Groups (GG/AM)
  • Thursday: Y9B Groups (ML/CS)
  • Friday: Y10C Groups (ML/AM/HV)
If students don’t have the full BTEC Sport kit they must wear their normal school uniform and bring their practical kit with them. The BTEC Sport kit can be found in our kit policy below.

KS5 BTEC Sport Lessons (Y12-13)

Students who have selected to study L3 BTEC Sport will be allowed to attend Heath Park in their FULL BTEC SPORT KIT (including tracksuit jacket, tracksuit bottoms/shorts, t-shirt) ONLY on the days they have BTEC Sport lessons.
If students don’t have the full BTEC Sport kit they must wear their normal school uniform and bring their practical kit with them. The BTEC Sport kit can be found in our kit policy below.

Please note- we have now moved across to Joma kit for BTEC Sport courses for the academic year 22-23, however students who have already purchased the Nike kit can still wear this for lessons and will not be required to purchase new kit.

Sporting Activities and Events

Youth Sports Trust Award – Ouskh

Heath Park’s Ouskh Dampha receives the National School Sports Week Hero award! We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Ouskh Dampha from Heath Park has been honoured with the National School Sports Week Hero Award by...

Monster Kickabout!

During the Autumn Term, Heath Park proudly joined the Youth Sport Trust Monster Kickabout initiative, organised by Sports Direct in collaboration with Nike. The event brought excitement and energy to our school as coaches visited...

KS2 Baseball Leadership

In October, we took our KS4 leaders to support a Primary School baseball event. Our students helped create and ran a range of baseball activities throughout the day, showcasing their impressive levels innovation and amazing communication skills....

Sports Day 2024

On Friday 12th July we hosted our annual Sports Day at Aldersley Stadium. It was a fantastic day with our students showing amazing resilience throughout. Thank you to all students, staff and 6th form sports leaders...

Wimbledon 2024

On Saturday 13th July, we were lucky enough to take 8 student on a PE rewards trip to Wimbledon. These students have consistently gone above and beyond for the PE Department this year, volunteering and...

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