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Drama A-Level

Entry Requirements

Minimum grade 5 in the subject at GCSE. Grade 4 in English and an audition

Who is it for?

The course is designed for students who have a strong interest in acting but are also keen to improve there directing, analysing and devising skills. It has a balance of practical and written activities to enable students to develop a wide range of knowledge linked to drama and theatre. Students will explore, create, perform and analyse theatre in a detailed way throughout their study.

Course Structure

The course is a 2-year A-level course which covers which covers the following three components:

Component 1: Devising (internally assessed – portfolio and practical) 40%

Component 2: Text in performance (Externally assessed practical via visiting examiner) 20%

Component 3: Interpreting a performance text (externally assessed Written exam) 40%

Across Components 1,2, 3 you will:

  • Perform a devised piece, scripted performance and monologue/duologue
  • Study at least 2 contrasting practitioners • Study 5 different play texts
  • Watch al least two pieces of live theatre
  • Study at least two theatrical periods in history


A level Drama is assessed through Both theory and practical Exams

University Pathways

These qualifications support progression into further education, training or employment, such as:

  • Drama
  • Theatre Studies
  • Performing Arts

Career Opportunities

Particular jobs students may go on to pursue are:

  • actors
  • teachers
  • stage managers
  • lawyers
  • running a creative business
  • working with children and young people
  • customer relations positions and events management roles