8. Personal Guidance
Each individual needs a pathway for them and time is needed to allow students to consider choices and consolidate their thoughts.
Intentions for Year 11 are collected half-termly and based on this information, students are supported based on their next steps:
- Central Sixth – one-to-one interviews with a member of staff to identify courses that will allow them to move on at Heath Park.
- College – Talks and workshops with local providers on the range of courses and how applications can be made. Colleges feature at the Heath Park Careers Fair where they can get prospectuses and ask questions to a range of providers. Students are updated in the Careers Guide @ Heath Park magazine in regards to open days and students are supported with their applications and interview technique
- Apprenticeships – Workshops with local providers looking at the courses on offer and how they allow progression.. Apprenticeship providers attend the Heath Park Careers Fair and students are supported with their applications.
Individual interviews are held with all Year 12 students to determine their next steps. Based on this:
- All students applying to university are allocated to a personal tutor to support the completion of their personal statements. Tutors monitor the academic progress of students looking to go to university so that they understand their current level of attainment and the impact of this on their choices
- Students are sent information through the Careers Guide @ Heath Park on a range of pathways and will attend a talk in regard to Degree Apprenticeship routes
In addition to this:
- SEND students supported with an EHCP to receive additional support as part of their annual reviews and receive careers interviews through Connextions
- Students regarded as at risk of NEET are identified and further support is provided by Connexions through the local authority
NHS Futures 360 – Career Path Finder
The NHS is the largest employer in the UK but who works there, what jobs can you do?
We always think about the doctors and nurses, but what about other roles?
Who keeps it clean, makes the food, maintains the equipment, the heating and air conditioning?
Who looks after the money, the specimen samples, the staff, the IT systems and records?
The list is endless but now with the use of virtual reality, you can experience a day in the life of the huge variety of professions and roles needed to keep the NHS working 24/7.
This tour has been developed for the future generations of healthcare staff. Discover the tools, support and resources we have created to help you think about your future career and where you could fit into the NHS.