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Latest Reports

Please find below the latest reports by Ofsted. If you would like hard copies, please contact the school who will be happy to assist. Below this section you can find a brief outline of the report which you can read to get an overview of our last inspection.

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Ofsted Report February 2014 Download

Heath Park is ‘Outstanding’

In its recent Ofsted inspection, Heath Park was judged to be an ‘Outstanding’ school.

Key Findings
Overall Effectiveness Outstanding
Achievement of pupils Outstanding
Quality of Teaching Outstanding
Behaviour and safety of pupils Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding

Summary of Key Findings for Parents and Pupils

  • Students achieve exceptionally well in this school, and make outstanding progress in English and in mathematics.
  • Students’ exceptional achievement is greatly enhanced by the highly creative way in which students’ literacy, and other, skills are developed through the Key Stage 3 curriculum.
  • The sixth form is outstanding. Students’ attainment and progress in work-related courses is a particular strength.
  • Teaching is consistently at least good and much is outstanding. Together with the exceptional quality of care that students receive, this ensures that all students are very well supported.
  • The behaviour and safety of students are outstanding. Students are proud to attend the school and are highly motivated to achieve their very best.
  • Students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding and this is encompassed in the school’s vision statement: ‘Every Pupil: Always in Focus’.
  • The headteacher brings about an improvement in the life chances of the young people in the local community, and beyond through other schools in the Trust.
  • Exceptionally strong leadership is shown by the headteacher, senior leaders and the trustees. Through this, the school is in a strong position to continue to improve, whilst at the same time supporting other schools to become outstanding.
  • School leaders rigorously check the quality of teaching and use this information to reward outstanding teachers, or to provide support to improve teaching where this is needed. This has maintained the outstanding teaching and achievement in school.